Although the operation began under Eisenhower, Kennedy approved it and the operation, named the Bay of Pigs for the beach where they landed, was a humiliation for the United States. In 1961, at the age of 24 years old, Robert was alive when on April 17th, about 1,000 CIA trained Cuban exiles invaded Cuba with the intention of igniting a rebellion and overthrowing Castro. The Army allegations were found to be true. Army accused Roy Cohn (chief counsel to Senator McCarthy and later trusted mentor of Donald Trump) of blackmail. In 1954, at the age of 17 years old, Robert was alive when from April 22 through June 17th, the Army v. It took 20 months of fighting for the Allies to reach the northern borders of Italy. After the Armistice was made public on September 8th, Germany attacked and occupied Italy.

Under the terms of the Armistice, Italy surrendered to the Allied Powers. In 1943, Robert was just 6 years old when on September 3rd, the Armistice of Cassibile was signed in Sicily. The reasons for the explosion are still disputed. Thirty-six people were killed out of the 97 on board - 13 passengers, 22 crewmen, and one ground worker. It tried to dock in New Jersey, one of the stops, and something went wrong - it blew up. The Hindenburg was a passenger ship traveling to Frankfurt Germany. In 1937, in the year that Robert A Snook was born, on May 6th, the German zeppelin the Hindenburg caught fire and blew up. Refresh this page to see various historical events that occurred during Robert's lifetime.